Saturday, January 3, 2009


Posted by Britt

Hi everybody. I wanted a place I could post my thoughts and progress as we head out on the road this season. I'm traveling with David Asano, Mike Hope & Sean Mayne. We are hitting Schenectady for the USWCA 5 & Under before heading to the Dykes in February. We leave in a little under a week and I thought a blog would be an ideal place for us to all post our ideas.

So stay tuned, I'll be asking the other team members to post as we travel and represent Nutmeg on the open trail this year. I'm both excited and scared to be heading to Schenectady this week. Excited to get a taste of competition outside the club walls and terrified to experience competition outside the club walls. I'm reassured that I'm traveling with a wonderful group of teammates, all of which bring something different to the team. Sean brings a consistency in the 4th slot that is hard to find anywhere else. He is one of the few people I have ever met who has been able to take the lessons he learned in his 15 years of bowling and be able to adapt them to curling. In all the years I've known him, I've never met anyone with a more consistent approach to bowling in the way he approaches each and every shot. Mike has traveled a bit already and has experience out in bonspiels. He'll know many of the teams we will face and will be able to help us evaluate teams and identify our own weaknesses as well. David is as enthusiastic as anyone I've ever met at the club and is willing to go out there and have a great time. He has helped me fine tune my delivery a great deal in the last month or so and has a depth of knowledge that is rivaled in many with his level of experience. All in all, the only one who does not seem to have a particular purpose on this team is me, so I've busied myself with helping on the preparation front, organizing practices and communications. So far its been a lot of fun and we haven't even left home yet.

Our draw comes out Monday & we leave Friday. Wish us luck, we will need it. -Britt

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